Join this free, virtual Leap Year 2024 event:

2/29/24 7-9 pm EST

Enneagram Trifix, instincts, trauma wounds & integration

Join me on this liminal day to learn or re-learn Wisdom about your Self & others…

2/29/24 marks the 4th year of Science & Soul and my work as an Enneagram-trauma-witch (the longest I have worked anywhere or for anyone!), so, I am offering a free virtual event to celebrate and educate or introduce a topic to any who wish to Learn: The Enneagram.

Plans for our evening from 7-9 EST:

Grounding orientation meditation followed by:

  • A deep dive into an initial orientation of the Enneagram based on the 3 Centers of Intelligence: The Body, The Heart & The Mind and the Trifix approach to understanding and integrating this esoteric Wisdom.

  • Brief intro on the Instincts of the Enneagram— a topic rarely discussed, but integral to understanding our primal wiring.

  • A brief introduction of the 3 trauma wound themes of each type.

  • Free Science & Soul content shared during the event emailed to those who register to support further integration beyond our meeting.


  • No previous knowledge of the Enneagram is necessary to attend!

  • Recommendation to take the following 2 tests and bring your (likely very different) results (and questions!) with you to the meet up:

    • Enneagrammer Trifix Typing Test ($15) Take a picture of your results; they will disappear.

    • RHETI ($12) These results will be emailed to you, along with a good bit of content from the Enneagram Institute on your results.

  • Zoom link to be emailed out 2/28/24 following completion of registration.